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Health and Safety​

Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps


You will be required by law to complete the Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps at school before starting at your placement.  Please speak to your teacher as soon as possible if you cannot attend that day. Along with the session in the library, you will need to go to the following link and complete the session in one sitting. When you are done, you will type in your name and print off the certification.

                              Health and Safety at Work (Ontario Ministry of Labour) 


​You may begin your WHMIS online course as soon as you receive your PIN and password from your teacher. 

You need to get at least 70% on each module and you are only allowed 3 attempts per module. 

This can be completed in class or at home. If you ha
ve trouble the first time, please review the information carefully and/or ask your teacher for help.

Standard First Aid and Level C (SHSM only)


Before starting his/her placement, all SHSM students will be required to complete Standard First Aid and CPR.

If you are already qualified, show your certification to your teacher and complete the First Aid Review questions.


Safety Video Contest Winners 

The Ministry of Labour holds a yearly contest for the best safety video created by students in a school.  Click on the buttons to view some of the top videos from the past few years.

If you are interested in creating a video for this contest, as a replacement for your culminating, please speak with your Co-op teacher.


My Safe Work
Jessica Di Sabatino
Vice President / Speaker for

Student Insurance Form


Some parents also consider purchasing insurance for students. Although WSIB insures all Co-op placements, the extra insurance will cover students in all aspects of school. 

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